Sunday, December 27, 2020

Some favorites of mine.

I still struggle getting this to work, but like minded people have this and it is so exiting. I love outworldz and their support of opensim. They are creative genius, nothing less. Having Dreamgrid is like joining an exclusive club. Someday I will master the use of this.

I currently uploaded a free OAR from their site I am tweaking for Christmas and the winter season. This is the one site that has truly inspired. Like Linda Kelly was in the beginning, Fred and his team is now.... 

I am so glad Austin started posting about Opensim again. great resources. Another committed blogger is Selby Evans. You can find him in many places on the web. Here is his main blog.

I have so many other favorites but I can't share them all. Is one of her sites, and this one is very useful.